1) Tyson, Jeff. http://computer.howstuffworks.com/internet-infrastructure.htm/printable
This is a really succinct explanation of how the internet works. The most interesting terms I learned through reading this were POP: Point-of-Presence, and NAPs: Network Access Points. I appreciated that the explanations were really simple. I also was able to envision each piece of internet functionality easily due to their examples.
2) Andrew K. Pace (2004). Dismantling Integrated Library Systems. Library Journal, 129(2), p.34-36. Full Text
This explains a lot about why libraries are always having difficulties with their ILS systems. I am interested to see where ILS development ends up and I personally advocate Open Source products, but we will see if that becomes a reality or not.
3) Sergey Brin and Larry Page: Inside the Google machine.
This makes me more interested in learning everything I can about how google was created and how it works now.
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